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So what is this blog about?

It’s a blog about comics. I started reading comics from DC and Marvel obsessively about 5 years ago, and I haven’t slowed down one bit. I find that the more I read, the more I realize just how much more I haven’t tackled yet.

The idea for the blog came when a friend asked me why Ryan Reynolds was portraying Green Lantern when GL ought to be black. Yes. It really happened. I then explained to her that there were 4 GL’s from Earth and one just happened to have been selected for the Justice League cartoon.

Fast forward 1 year later, and another friend asked me the same question. A few days later and this blog was born. This is for anyone who’s not overly familiar with comic books, and would like to familiarize themselves with what would pass as common knowledge to comic book readers. I’m a newb myself so all of my entries would be pretty basic. I’m not even going to pretend I know a lot so I’ll be leaving the hard stuff to the hardcore comic book geeks.

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